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At CoPEH-Canada we design custom-made workshops and courses, for all levels, sectors and subjects touching on ecosystem approaches to health. We can work with groups interested in ecosystem approaches to health to tailor our teaching materials (see teaching manual for examples) and grant writing skills to your needs.

Please contact us if you are interested in running a workshop or short course on or using ecosystem approaches to health. We can help you!

Below you will find a sampling of workshops we have run and collaborations we are involved in.

Intersectoral prevention research

CoPEH-Canada is collaborating with four independent groups submitting full applications to the CIHR call for applications for Team Grants: Environments and Health: Intersectoral Prevention Research. Read this PDF document to learn more about intersectoral prevention research at the CoPEH-Canada, our areas of expertise and ideas for collaboration. Two of the teams which made successful applications to CIHR’s competition for intersectoral prevention on health and environment involve direct collaborations with CoPEH-Canada. 

  • “The ECHO (Environment, Community, Health Observatory) Network: Strengthening intersectoral capacity to understand and respond to health impacts of resource development”, is co-led by Margot Parkes at UNBC and Sandra Allison at Northern Health in BC, along with a team from across Canada, including regional cases in British Columbia, Alberta and New Brunswick
  • A Shared Future: Achieving Strength, Health and Autonomy through renewable energy development for the future focuses on first nation's health and is co-lead by Heather Castleden at Queen's University, and a pan-Canadian team.

Intersectoral collaboration, ecohealth and public health core competencies

This pre-conference workshop at the Public Health Association of British Colombia's annual conference helped participants examine the interface between intersectoral collaboration, ecohealth and core competencies in Public Health. 


Working with partners for a healthy environment

This full-day workshop was held in conjunction with the Journées annuelles de Santé Publique 2014 (JASP). The workshop addressed the complexity of working together: an environmental health illustration.


Fostering Intersectoral Collaboration

This workshop was held at the Ontario Public Health Convention and focused specifically on Realizing the Health Benefits of Green Spaces in a Changing World. A report on the workshop can be found here.



This half-day workshop held at the EcoHealth 2012 conference helped participants to access their collective goals for EcoHealth as a field. The workshop led to a joint publication among workshop organizers.