Social Networks


Social network box sq Partner box sq
Using the social network perspective as a heuristic approach, this module (PDF, Web version) explores its potential to contribute to research and intervention in ecosystem approaches to health. Included are lesson plans on: defining a network, basic concepts, and how to use a network perspective without conducting a network study. NEW! This module (PDF) presents the overall design for a workshop on collaborating with partners. It is composed of two sections: 1) a lecture on the actors and relationships involved in complex ecosystem-society-health issues; and 2) an individual activity to map the actors who are implicated in an issue of the students' choice.


Robert Waldinger: Qu'est-ce qui fait une vie réussie ? [French]

  • Lessons from the longest study on happiness (TedTalk)

Lesson plan: Social status

  • This lesson and activity from the Global Health Education and Learning Incubator at Harvard University is based on an article that describes research on the impact of 'relative social status' on the stress levels of individuals in an isolated society. It encourages students to consider relative and absolute social status as distinct determinants of health.

Using Social Network Analysis in the Classroom: An Experiential Activity and Tool to Enhance a Sense of Community

  • This article by Mary B. Dunn presents an experimental exercise where students learn the basics of social network analysis, relate social networks to social capital, and analyze their own networks in class.